TREASURED CIGAR BOX designed byApril Martin Chartrand (2012) 2 of 2

Sunday, May 12, 2013

New Artwork 2013: HIGHWAYMEN: Florida's Traveling '26' Designed by April Martin Chartrand

2013: New Artwork Inspired by the Unsung African-American Icons

 HIGHWAYMEN:  Florida's Traveling '26
Designed by April Martin Chartrand

These 4 pieces were inspired by four of the '26' original Highwaymen Artists
1)  Harold Newton | 1934-1994
2)  Mary Ann Carroll | 1940-present
3) Alfred Hair | 1941-1970
4) Livingston (Castro) Robert | 1941-2004

Learn more about these unsung American Icons through the PBS special:

NOTE:  This art is in no way connected to the original Highwaymen. I have been in contact with Ms. Mary Ann Carroll via the phone and email to inform her that I was researching the Highwaymen and found some alleged inappropriate usage of their names, alleged fraudulent  arts sales by collectors/self-appointed curators/Ebay etc/You Tube) , and many other alleged stealing of their work and names.

Treasured Cigar Box Assemblage Explorations of the African Diaspora by April Martin Chartrand - Video

California African American Museum 
Treasured Cigar Box
Assemblage Explorations of the African Diaspora
Designed by April Martin Chartrand
                                                            October 6 -March 31, 2013

Video Link for the exhibition set up: